Issue # 15
© July, 2008 all rights reserved Published by A Crochet Pattern A Week Newsletter.
A big welcome to the "newbies" ! Thank you for joining "A Crochet pattern A Week!" I hope you enjoy the patterns and maybe learn something new.....from something old.
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Table of Contents:
Yarn pattern
Cotton pattern
Motivational thoughts
A Short Funny
Kids Corner
Gift Idea
Link of the month
Hints & tips
Yarn Pattern:
This months yarn pattern is called "Christmas Wreath Afghan & Pillow." Simple appliqued hearts in a green calico material are sewn in wreath shape, and tied with a pretty red ribbon. The background fabric is made of squares of singe crochet with a simple lacy edging around each. If you click on the small pics it will bring you to a bigger one for you to printout, and you will not have all the other parts of the newsletter as well.

Cotton Pattern:
This months cotton pattern is called "Ruffled Mini Tree"A crocheted mini tree is stitched with cotton thread, and then stiffened. Sprigs of holly and shimmering trims proved a festive finish. if you click on each pics you will be brought to a page were you can print out the patterns without all the rest of the newsletter, and also it is bigger.

The Twelve Days of Christmas Song, No one seems to know who wrote what seems to be a nonsensical song, but legend has it as being written during the period of time when Roman Catholics in England were not allowed to practice their faith without punishment (which would explain why no one credits themselves for penning it), the song was to help children to remember the tenets of their faith. Many consider this another urban legend though, mainly because everything in the song goes along with both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church doctrine. And that it seems to have a French origin, not English.The true love was God Himself.The me was any baptized person.The partridge in a pear tree was Christ and may of referred to Matt. 23:37 and Luke 13:34.The 2 turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.3 French hens stood for faith, hope and love. (1 Cor. 13) The Theological Virtues The 4 calling birds were the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Four Evangelists The 5 golden rings recalled the Torah or law; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The Law or Pentateuch.The 6 geese a laying were the 6 days of creation.The 7 swans a swimming were the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 7:30) The 7 Sacraments.The 8 maids a milking were the eight Beatitudes. (Matt. 5-6).The 9 ladies dancing were the 9 truths of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5).The 10 Lords a leaping were the 10 Commandments.The 11 pipers piping were the 11 faithful apostles.The 12 drummers drumming symbolized the 12 points of belief in the Apostle Creed.Note: In the original version the first 5 gifts were all birds, 1st day = Partridge, 2ND day = 2 Turtle Doves, 3rd day = 3 French Hens, 4Th day = 4 Colly Birds (Blackbirds) not Calling birds, and on the 5Th day = 5 Golden Rings (referred to ring-necked pheasants) not jewelry.
You can see and hear the http://tinyurl.com/yg97d6
Motivational thought
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or
the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton, Vesalius in ZanteUS novelist (1862 - 1937)
A Short Funny
Reindeer's Story at Christmas
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.
Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.
We should have known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.
Kids Corner
Kids craft
Jeweled Ornament

This jeweled ornament craft is simple to make and impressive to behold - a very easy craft for young ones to create as gifts.
What you'll need:
3" Frosted ball ornament
Jewels (one side flat) of different sizes and shapes
Glue (tacky glue will work best)
How to make it:
Apply glue to the back of the jewels and apply to the ornament. You may need to hold in place for a minute or two depending on the type of glue used.
Let dry.
Hang and watch the Christmas tree lights reflect off the jewels!
You could possibly use sparkle glue or glitter fabric paint to attach the jewels. Just be "generous" with the glue to make sure the jewels will adhere.
Kids link of the week:
Links to sites specifically for children Has link for things like Coloring and Computer Fun , Things To Make And Do and much much more.
Kids Freebie:
Become A Kids Club Member
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Kids ages 5-12 are invited to join Kids Club today.
Members of Kids Club will receive:
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A Kids Club Imagination Newsletter full of projects and games 6 times a year.
Free Kids Club Imagination activity coupon to participate in a fun and safe group setting at Kids Club Saturdays at your local Michael's store.
Kids A Short Funny:
Nasty Bug Going Around Joke
Last week, I was watching a show on TV about invading space aliens - it was pretty creepy. Then, the doorbell rang so I went to answer it. Standing there was a 6 foot tall mosquito! He grabbed me by the neck, threw me across the room, and then left.The next night, I was playing a video game and the doorbell rang. I answered it and that same six-foot mosquito was there. He punched me in the stomach and then thumped me on the head and left.The third night, the doorbell rang. I slowly opened the door and that mosquito pushed the door open, hit me in both eyes, kicked me in the shin, and body slammed me to the ground then left.The next day, I went to see my doctor and explained everything that had happened. I asked him what I should do.The doctor replied, "Not much you can do. There's just a nasty bug going around."
Adult Craft :
Felt Gingerbread House

Create a gingerbread house out of multicolored felt.
Gift idea:
Links for different kinds of gifts in a jar recipes and ideas.
Link of the month:
Thousands of Make your own Mix Recipes, Jar & Kitchen Gifts, credit repair, Coupons, Budgeting Articles, Inexpensive Gift Ideas, Gag Gifts, Money Saving Recipes, & Free Debt Reduction Resource!
Hints & tips:
Welcome to Organized Christmas! Our mission: to help you simplify your holidays and get ready for the Christmas season.
Whether you plan for the holidays year-round or begin Christmas planning at the last minute, we'll help you get organized for a stress-free celebration.
Browse our organizing plans, printable Christmas planner, gift ideas, homemade Christmas gifts and recipes for gifts in a jar.
Welcome! We're glad you're here. http://organizedchristmas.com/
*Free Stuff for Crafters!! We are so excited to share with you all the free craft patterns and projects that can be found on the web.*
Staytunned for more newsletters to come.
Ya'll come back ya hear.
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